Briefing LIVE 2022


Legal leaders from across functions converge for the day to collaborate




Almost two years to the day since the first UK work-from-home order came in 2020, in March 2022 team Briefing was hugely excited to bring law firm operational leaders from across functions back together for a day of collaborative problem-solving.

What impact have those two years of change and soul-searching had on visions of the much discussed ‘office of the future’? Do leaders have the clarity they need about what needs to happen to ensure long-sought flexibility through hybrid working doesn’t come at the expense of structured, or indeed less formal, collaboration on projects and strategy? And how about building broad buy-in for both technology-based and other promising process change to continue improving at the competitive games of boosting business-wide efficiency and turbocharged talent engagement?

We also have thoughtful perspectives on the top transformations that are still required at large law from our partners and trusted facilitators on the day: Introhive, Catalyst BI, Intapp,, Salesforce, Stridon and Wilson Allen.

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LIVE and learn

A brand new Briefing event in March 2022 brought law firm strategic leaders together from across businesses and functions to tackle common challenges through novel formats – from workspace redesign that welcomes, to galvanising ever-more intense change.

Optimise your internal relationships

Alan Mercer, legal industry director at Introhive, outlines the many reasons internal relationship management is just as important as client relationship management to a firm’s overall commercial and strategic success.


Strategic challenges seeking AI ROI still run deep

Leaders urged to see 'bright spots' but still need the business case

Richard Brent
Head of content, Briefing
Winning hearts to drive tech adoption

Winning hearts to drive tech adoption — a complex matter

Andreea Dulgheru
Editor, Briefing