How are firms preparing for the future office and workforce after lockdown?
Transformation at work
What are law firm leaders' visions and plans for thriving in a legal business landscape after lockdown?
Having established homeworking-as-normal for the vast majority of teams, the question facing law firms now – as in many other business sectors – is whether and how a ‘traditional’ office life will return. Many firms have undertaken surveys of employee preferences. These appear largely to have found that, although people had no choice in the matter, and in some clearly difficult circumstances, working from home has worked well. People were able to be productive in their roles out of the office for a considerable period of time.
Keeping the change?
As law firms slowly begin to allow their people back into city office spaces – with a range of arrangements and combinations on offer – one of the biggest questions at time of writing is how the standard legal business operational and working model might change mid- to long-term.
Powers to prioritise
From management training, to process automation, and movement of core systems to the cloud, have projects and investments been moved up the agenda, delayed or reordered?
Where are the opportunities?
What are the biggest opportunities for service change, innovation, or even competitive differentiation as organisations, as law firms find their way through and out of 2020?
AI in action
Where are firms bringing genAI to bear on efficiency across the functions?
Briefing/HSBC UK law firm strategy survey 24-25
Where are law firm leaders prioritising focus for the next 12 months?