Discover what's ahead for 2025: insights from 2024 presentations
Download the speaker presentation from Briefing MBD Leaders 2024
MBD Leaders 2025 will once again gather our tight-knit community of experts and strategic leaders in the marketing and business development function from across large law firms for a day of learning, discussion, sharing and insight.
In a collaborative and interactive environment we lift the lid on the latest roadblocks, projects and innovations that Marketing and Business Development leaders in legal services are facing.
This is a unique opportunity to connect with your peers, share challenges and solutions, and hear from industry experts as they address some of the thorniest issues – AND the opportunities to be exploited.
"Just at the right level, and lots of takeaways. Really great to network and re-connect with old friends and make some new connections"
Head of M&BD Operations, Simmons & Simmons